Oops, my bad!

"Learn from your mistakes" is a quote everyone hears in some variation. It's something people say in an attempt to make you feel better about messing something up. It seems like a great phrase, to accept your mistakes and to keep yourself from repeating them. However, how easy is it to actually learn from your … Continue reading Oops, my bad!


I have learned a great deal of materials in Jesse Martin’s social cognition class. Over the course of this class, I believe I have grown as a writer. With the various blogs that were submitted on a weekly basis, the volume of things that I have learned during the course of the semester is immense … Continue reading Reflection

What I learned? I’m not really sorry

This class happened to be one of my favorite classes as I learned that student driven learning should be something that is implemented more in the education system as opposed to someone standing in front of a class regurgitating information. But that is a topic for another day. The main things I wanted to explore … Continue reading What I learned? I’m not really sorry

I never had faith in the educational system anyway…

So what can I say about this class..I took it because I wanted to be lazy; I seen that it didn't have any papers, any exams, no group project, and I was sold. I can honestly say that I didn’t expect to take much away from this class, however, I was completely surprised when I … Continue reading I never had faith in the educational system anyway…

We are Capable of Teaching Ourselves!

When I first entered this class, I was very skeptical about how exactly I was going to learn anything as I was so used to lecture based learning. However, I was pleasantly surprised and realized after my first blog that this structure of teaching was excellent as it allowed me to look in depth into … Continue reading We are Capable of Teaching Ourselves!